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Wilson (@WilsonSings) – “Wonderwall” (Oasis Cover)

By July 10, 2014No Comments

In the run up to his eagerly anticipated EP project “Tone of Art“, #MMLN alumni member Wilson is in a teasing mood. After announcing a launch date (August 3rd) and accompanying concert he’s gone on to drop this mesmerising re-visioning of Britpop classic “Wonderwall“.

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We’re poised and ready to hear his new project, and tip this young man to make large strides within the industry this coming year. Make sure you’re in the house at Birthday’s in Dalston, where he’ll take to the stage alongside support from Littleman, Kersha Bailey, Max Marshall, as well as SBTV’s very own DJ Melody Kane. Get your tickets here and remember where you heard it first.



Author AKS

Pronounced {Ay-Kay-Ess} | Rapper, Web-Developer & Co-Founder of Less is More Music | Twitter: @AKSonline

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