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Incisive (@Incisive1) – NEW VIDEO “Breathe”

By June 26, 2014June 30th, 2014No Comments

We’re always excited when Incisive announces that he has a new release, and our high expectations were met yet again after watching and listening to his new track Breathe.

After taking MTV by storm last year with several Number 1 tracks, the MyIsh representative does not appear to be letting up any time soon.

A dope beat, strong verses and flows, and his trademark all round good vibes, this is set to be another anthem from the UK veteran emcee.
And for some added fun, see how many cameos you can spot in the video too!

Hit play below and enjoy!

[xt_video type=”youtube” clip_id=”vxT2fOYleM4″]

Author LessIsMoreMusic

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