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Ella Frank – “Sugar”

By November 27, 2016November 22nd, 2017No Comments

You may already be familiar with her name off the back of her hugely impressive debut single Homie Lover Best Friendwhich did the rounds on the interwebs back in 2014. 2 years later and London based Singer/Songwriter, Ella Frank, is at last ready to share what she’s been working on during her short hiatus, leading the way with the subtle offerings of Sugar“.

Produced by Intalekt and with additions from instrumentalists Aaron PC (Guitar) & Charly Richardson (Clarinet), the jazz leanings of Sugar underpin Ella’s description of her search for the one. Encountering those who were not best suited, Ella speaks of finally meeting the person who could be that perfect someone and yearning for them to stay.

Check out the single below and make sure you grab a copy via iTunes.

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Author AKS

Pronounced {Ay-Kay-Ess} | Rapper, Web-Developer & Co-Founder of Less is More Music | Twitter: @AKSonline

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