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Shakka (@iamShakka) – “When Will I See You Again” [Official Video]

By October 1, 2014No Comments

Last week we brought you the new audio treat from one of the acts we’ve long supported Shakka (with 2 Ks). This week he’s let loose a brilliant new video accompaniment and it’d only be right to share that too. There’s been a wealth of great videos that have come out of the UK music scene in recent months and the “one-shot” seems to be common form at the moment, but this one takes the biscuit. Always one for story telling,the narrative matches the songs lyrics all too well, and its great to see Shakka pop up in different clothing from shot to shot giving his performances. Cleverly done!

Check out the new video below, and following on from his Wretch 32 –Blackout” feature, this could be the one to set the charts alight in his own right.

[xt_video type=”youtube” clip_id=”WY4wq1QR4ho”]

Author AKS

Pronounced {Ay-Kay-Ess} | Rapper, Web-Developer & Co-Founder of Less is More Music | Twitter: @AKSonline

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