Now this is a great moment for me. I met this lovely lady Shanaz Dorsett on the gig circuit a few years ago (Shout out OneMic & the WePlugGoodMusic connect), and her quirky tones struck accord with me then. We’d bump into each other at events every now and then (J Dilla saved her life too it would seem) and speak on how things we’re going and what we were working on and it always sounding so incredibly exciting. Fast forward to the weekend just gone, and after a instagram countdown campaign Shanaz unleashes what I think is her debut visual representation “Four Walls and a Garden”, colourful and playful imagery abound, and alas more quirky tones from the Londoner.
First cut from her forthcoming EP “Mother Tongue” produced entirely by her digital collaborator EOM, this is all kinds of brilliant. Peep the Kermit Mercado and Matthew Thompson directed visual below, and brace yourself for more.
[xt_video type=”youtube” clip_id=”DriszzR6obg”]